Evaluation FIS staff

Evaluation - FIS Staff (EN)

From 1 to 10 what was your experience overall staffing this school : (1 being disappointing, 5 being ok and 10 being beyond my expectations.)
Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
Please 😉
What's your appreciation on the main teaching times?(Required)
Choose 1 response
What's your appreciation on the workshop times?(Required)
Choose 1 response
Please give us any comment you have on the teaching and workshops that you've been on. About the content, the speakers or anything else. Would you change anything?
How was it doing it in France?(Required)
Choose 1 response
How was it doing it for 3 months?(Required)
Choose 1 response
You would recommend this because of
You would recommend this because of
Please give us any comment you have on the organisation, if it was clear or too blurry, the different rota, your role, etc. Would you change anything?
Please give us any comment on the different locations and travels implicated. Would you change anything?
How much did you enjoy the times with students?(Required)
Choose as many responses as you want
What did you learn for yourself through that course and that you feel sharing?

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