Evaluation FIS students

FIS Student Evaluation - Please provide your honest feedback.

Welcome and presentation with Marc & Edith and FIS staff - Intro to the class and Region -Scavenger hunt
Basics and history of Islam with Karim(Required)
Cultural Values and differences with Rebecca(Required)
DMM with Fred(Required)
Biblical foundations in mission with Ryan(Required)
Language Learning with Lucy(Required)
BAM with Sam(Required)
Approaches to Engaging with Muslims - Bert(Required)
Word by heart with Susana and Daniel(Required)
Power and Dominion with Salah + Bible distribution(Required)
Team dynamics with Barbara(Required)
Beatitudes with JP(Required)
Project Planning with Heddy(Required)

One section down! Sa7a

Was there enough time to rest and enjoy free time?(Required)

How did you like the classroom setting?(Required)

Were you happy with Google classroom?(Required)

Community Life(Required)

How was the organization/schedule of the school?(Required)

Would you be interested in staffing at any point in the future?(Required)

Congrats, you finished! Thank you for your time and honest feedback. We will use this to improve future FIS'.

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